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Our common birds kept/breeds include blue peafowl, flying tipplers, strawberry finch, Indian Ring Necked Parrot, Kalij Pheasant, Red Jungle Fowl, Cheer Pheasant, Indian Little Quail, Button Quail or Yellow-legged button quail, Monal Pheasant, Grey francolin, Black partridges, Western Tragopan, Spice Finch, Rain Quail or black breasted quail, Common Quail or Grey Quail, Ram Chakor, Chakor, See-see Partridge,  Rock Dove, Hill Pigeon, Wood pigeon, Red Turtle Dove, Indian Ring Dove, Red Turtle Dove, Alexandrine or large Indian parakeet, Plum headed parakeet, Slaty-headed Parakeet. (This is still under construction)


I got these descriptions from the book The birds of Pakistan. Written by T.J. Roberts. The author is an internationally recognized ornithologist whose extensive study of the avifauna of Pakistan over a period of thirty-four years has culminated in this comprehensive two-volume account of the bird species of Pakistan.


A stout bodied pigeon very similar in size and general appearance to the blue rock but mainly differentiated by its tail pattern which consist of a dark ashy band at the tip and base separated by broad almost white mid portion, similar in flight to the pattern of the snow pigeon. 
Habitat, Distribution and status. 
This pigeon is comparatively restricted in range in Pakistan to the furthest northern inner valleys of the Karakoram, Hindu Kush and Pamirs. In Pakistan it occurs in northern chitral particularly in the western part bordering Nuristan in Afghanistan, further east in valleys of Gilgit in Yasin and Hunza and Karakoram ranges in Baltistan from about 2000 meters in winter up to 5500 meters during summer months.


A gregarious species throughout the year, feeding in flocks in the terraced cultivated fields in winter and nesting colonials in suitable cliffs in the summer. Their feeding habits are similar to Columba livia, being mainly granivorous, supplementing their diet with green shoot and leaves and occasionally small mollusca such as and snails.

Breeding Biology

The males have a bowing display similar to that of the blue rock pigeon and nothing distinctive seems to have been recorded elsewhere about the display of this pigeon which suggests that display and courtship is similar to C. Livia. It is an early breeder, nesting in small colonies on cliffs and crags. In the USSR it has been recorded as starting to nest as early as February with many young just fledging as late as September in northeastern Tibet. A platform of twigs or plant stem is placed in the nesting



Its general body build is like the common rock dove with broad square tail, stout body and small head, but it averages slightly larger in size than c. livia. The whole of the neck and breast is pure white with the head contrasting sharply, being a dark blue Grey. The sexes are alike.

Habitat, Distribution and Status

A resident high alpine and mountain dwelling pigeon, which in our area is more widespread in distribution and found in more southerly latitudes than Columba rupestris. In wintertime it occasionally descends to the broader lower valleys, as low as 1500 meters.


Can be seen in small flocks in wintertime as well as in the summer and it is colonial in nesting also.

Breeding Biology

They nest in small colonies in cliffs or steep rock faces. Either in river gorges or on mountain slopes. The same site is used year after year and the nests made of stick platforms, become very fouled with droppings. The eggs are plain white and normally two in number. In captivity the incubation period is 17 to 19 days and both parents share incubation duties. Captive birds were noted to have bowing display with the hinder part of the body and tail being jerked upwards as the head bobbed forward and downward . In the wild they have a display flight similar to the rock pigeon with wing clapping and sailing on stiffly spread and slightly raised wings in the vicinity of the nest colony.



A very compact pigeon, slightly shorter tailed and smaller in overall sizes than the rock pigeon. It is similar in general body shape and coloration to c.livia but if examined closely will be found to have only two, or a third partly abbreviated, black bar or rather spots on the wing coverts and to have the mid back region much paler than in the plains population of c.livia. The head and upper breast is a distinctly mauve pink tone and the sides of the neck are metallic emerald green. The tail has a dark blackish terminal band, and the under wing coverts in light are very pale Grey to white. The bill is greenish slaty with the cere greenish yellow.

Habitat, distribution and status

 A winter migrant only to Pakistan, being found mostly in the plains west of the Indus river or in their immediate riverain areas where it is highly gregarious in both roosting and feeding. A small population breeds in northern Afghanistan but probably most of the birds wintering in Pakistan breed in Asiating Russia, in Turkmenia, Tashkent and Tien Shan,


They roost in trees and when disturbed commonly fly up into trees in sharp contrast to columba livia which prefers buildings or earth cliffs and rock ledges for perching. Their flight is strong and rapid and when a flock takes off their wings make a high whirring noise. They feed on berries such as ziziphus and mulberries plucked from trees, as well grass seeds and seeds of cultivated cereals. However, they feed mostly on the ground in their winter quarters.

Breeding Biology

Trees with suitable nest holes and scarce in the arid steppic hill country where it breeds but Hagen found nests in hollow willow trees They also nest in holes in poplar trees. However, most breeding is in earth cliffs both in the Russia and Afghanistan.  Courtship involves much cooing from the vicinity of the nest site. Nesting is in full swing in June, July and August. The eggs are plain white and presumably two is the normal club.



A pale Grey brown dove with a pale lilac pink tint to the head and neck only discernible in good light, and more earthy brownish Grey back and wing coverts. The tail is blue-Grey. The breast pinkish buff, whiter on the lower belly and under-tail coverts. The sexes are alike.

Habitat, distribution and status

This dove is essentially a plains species, avoiding rocky foothill. There is however a summer migration into the broader cultivated valleys of Baluchistan and the NWFP where it breeds. It is the commonest dove throughout the Punjab.


A largely ground feeding granivorous dove, which sometimes congregates in large flocks in cultivated areas. Picking up seeds from threshing floors and freshly harvested crops whilst still lying in the field. In the city of multan they have also been noted digging up and eating newly germinated maize crops. Their food consisted mainly of cultivated grains including wheat, barley, rice, mustard and linseed with a lesser proportion of weeds. They roost by night and at intervals during the day in trees and bushes, usually congregating in small flocks.


The display flight of this species can be seen for most of the spring and summer months. The male rises steeply with wings clapped audibly over its back and then with tail spread and wings spread horizontally, planes down often in a sweeping semicircle, to the accompaniment of display call, coo-coo-cuw.  Nesting is from may to September with probably two peak breeding period in April and again post monsoon in august/September.  The nest is a typical dove flimsy platform of inters lacing twigs placed generally well inside a thorny bush or taller trees at heights vary from 1.5 to 2.7 meters.  The majority of clutches comprise two eggs, plain white and smooth glossy shelled.



Intermediate in size between the larger collared dove and the smaller little brown dove with a relatively shorter tail and plumper body then s.senegalensis. Its has blue Grey head and neck sharply divided from the back and wing coverts by s short black collar encircling the hind neck which is finely edged with white.  The back and wings are a reddish maroon or purplish chestnut from which its name is derived. The bill is black and the legs and feet are dull red to brownish red. The iris is dark brown.  Females have slightly browner Grey head and are paler duller more sandy brown on the upper part of the body.


This is an oriental species extending to Taiwan and the Philippines but uncommon on the Malaysian archipelago. It is a summer migrant visitor to Pakistan and India where it is more or less resident. It is abundant in the Punjab plains. They prefer better-wooded tracts such as canal or roadside tree plantations and avoid extensive desert regions. When they first arrive they are often in small flocks, but they soon split up and start pain formation and breeding.


A less commensal species not so dependent for its food on cultivated grains. Weed and grass seeds are included in greater proportion in the diet, though it gleans cultivated grains from stubble fields and more often can be seen feeding on the ground. They feed almost exclusively on the ground and will sometime supplement their diet with buds and green shoots.


The advertising call of this little dove fills the air during the hot days of March and April, as birds call from the depths of leafy trees. They nest quite high up in trees (avg. height 6.5 up to 8 meters above ground), making the typical flimsy platform of slender twigs. The normal clutch is 2 eggs, plain white and both sexes share in nest building and incubation.

 Apart from above-mentioned doves other doves are:

  •  Rufous turtle dove or oriental turtle dove,

  • Western turtle dove,

  • Little brown dove laughing or palm dove of Africa,

  • Spotted dove or Chinese dove,

  • Orange breasted green pigeon,

  • Common green pigeon or yellow footed green pigeon,

  • Wedge-tailed green pigeon or kokla green pigeon,